Unsend anything. On Telegram you can delete messages you have sent or received for both sides, and there is no time limit. You can also delete chats and call logs entirely from both your and the other person's devices with just two taps.
Partial Selection. You can select any portion of a message to copy or share, instead of only the full text. Here’s how it looks on Android.
Emoji Suggestions. On Android, type any word in the message field to get relevant emoji suggestions. On all platforms, type : followed by a keyword to search for emoji like :heart ❤️. You can also use a single emoji to suggest relevant stickers. If we’re missing a keyword for an emoji in your language, feel […]
Reorder Sticker Packs. Hold and drag a sticker pack’s thumbnail to change its place in your panel. You can also reorder your sticker packs from Settings > Chat Settings > Stickers (Android) or Settings > Stickers (iOS).
Animated emoji. Sending a single emoji in a message will display a stylish animated version. We keep expanding the animated emoji army, adding new ones with every update.
Mini-Game Emoji. There are several emoji which you can send in chat to test your luck: 🎰, 🎲, 🎯, ⚽️ and 🏀.
Scheduled Messages. Hold the ‘Send’ button in any chat and select ‘Schedule Message’ to automatically send things at a specified time in the future (DeLorean not included). If you can't guess what time would be good, choose to deliver the message when your recipient comes online.
Send When Online. You can schedule messages or media to be sent when your recipient comes online. Slide your message in with the morning post – or time a duck sticker for the exact moment a meeting gets boring.
Send Without Sound. Press and hold the send button in any chat to send your message with a silenced notification. You can also use this menu to schedule a message, delivering it at a specific time.
Reminders. If you schedule a message in your Saved Messages chat, it will turn into a reminder. Be your own time-traveling secretary – whether it's about a dentist appointment next week, or waking up in time for pizza delivery.