Browse Your Gallery. Quickly access specific folders in your gallery like videos, screenshots and favorites. On Android, pull the attachment panel to the top of your screen and tap Gallery to select a folder from the menu. On iOS, tap the 🔍 at the top of the panel to see all your albums.
Preview Media Albums. After selecting multiple items in the 📎 attachment menu, tap ‘⋯ selected’ to preview the message before sending. Drag an item to change its place in the album, add a caption or remove selected media.
Download Manager. Control your media and file downloads from the Downloads tab in Search, or tap the ⬇️ icon that appears in the chat list when you have active downloads. Pause and resume all downloads or individual items – and select one to view it in chat. On iOS, you can select an item to raise […]
Navigate Recent Chats. Press and hold the ‘Back’ button to return to a specific chat after opening other chats from forwarded messages, links, profiles and more. When jumping through unread channels, previous channels from the feed will also appear in the list.
Reaction Effects and Read Status. Animations for reactions are compact and play in real time for all chat members. To send a larger effect, press and hold an emoji in the menu. Reactions also have read status – tap the ♡ button that appears in chat to jump to your messages with unseen reactions.
Video Stickers. Easily create animated stickers from .WEBM video files in any editing program and publish them using the @Stickers bot. For more details, check out the Video Sticker Manual and this step-by-step Stickers Bot Guide. Developers can use the Sticker Import API to build apps for creating and importing stickers to Telegram.
Text Recognition. On devices with iOS 13 or macOS 10.15 and above, you can use Live Text to select and copy text directly from photos in chat. On iOS, tap to open a photo in the media viewer, then tap the text icon to isolate words from the background. The macOS app automatically detects text […]
QR Codes for Public Profiles. Generate a QR code for yourself or any user with a public username – as well as any public group, channel or bot. Tap the QR code icon next to a person’s username or on a chat’s info page, customize its appearance, then print, post or share the codeanywhere. You […]
Message Translation. In Settings > Language you can add a dedicated Translate button to the context menu when selecting a message. You can also exclude languages that you speak fluently, which will hide the translation button for those messages. Translation is available on all Android devices that support Telegram, but requires iOS 15 or higher […]
Spoiler Formatting. Select any part of your message when typing and choose ‘Spoiler’ in the formatting menu to hide the text under an animation in chat, as well as in the chat list and notifications. Tap the animation to reveal the hidden text – spoilers can also be combined with other text formatting, including links. On […]
Reactions. Give instant feedback on a message – double tap to send a quick 👍 or tap once (press and hold on iOS) for more options: 🥰 ❤️ 🔥 👏 🎉 🤩 😁 😱 🤯 🤔 😢 🤬 👎 💩 🤮 Reactions are always on in private chats. In groups and channels, admins can choose […]
Device Management. In Settings > Devices you can see all the places where you are logged in. Tap Link Desktop Device to quickly log in on Telegram Desktop or Web via QR Code. Select an individual device to choose whether it can accept incoming calls or Secret Chats – or to log it out remotely. All […]